ABB IRB 6600
Our customer has a press for stamping metal disks. They previously hand loaded the press and wanted to integrate a robot to take over this task. The robot would also need to be moveable so that the press could be serviced.
Solution: The customer had procured an older robot and controller for us to use. Global Controls designed and built a large cell on steel I-Beams so that a lift truck could pick then entire robot cell up and move it away from the press. The cell consisted of two tables with magnetic separators to keep the disks from sticking together. The tables were on either side of the robot, and the robot had a custom designed gripper arm that would pick up the disks with suction and reach into the press without endangering the robot arm in case of a serious failure. The user has the ability to disable the robot from picking on one side of the cell so that they can load more product without stopping the cycle.
What Products were used: The robot was an ABB IRB-6600 with a 125kg payload and 3.2-meter reach. The ABB robot controller was also the cell controller. We used Omron light curtains and Safety PLC for handling the safety muting during product reloading. The cell was designed and assembled in Global Controls’ shop.